Department: Dept of Agriculture

Name Degree Designation Description
Agriculture, Animal Science track, B.S. BS Successful completion of the Animal Science track of Agriculture will enable students to apply for acceptance into graduate animal science programs needing a strong emphasis on sciences. Careers for which students will have met requirements include c...
Agribusiness, B.S. BS Agribusiness is over a $72 billion industry in Georgia and represents 16% of the state’s employment base. In Florida direct output from agribusiness exceeds $145 billion. Successful completion of this degree will prepare students for a wide array of...
Agriculture, Crop Production track, B.S. BS Agribusiness is over a $72 billion industry in Georgia and over $145 billion in direct output in Florida. Over 371,000 jobs of Georgia’s employment base are associated with agriculture. Florida officials estimate that agriculture provides more than 2...
Agriculture, Crop and Soil Science track, B.S. BS Agribusiness has an economic impact of over $72 billion in Georgia and over $145 billion in Florida. Sixteen percent of Georgia’s employment base is associated with agriculture. Successful completion of this degree with the diversified curriculum wil...
Agriculture, General track, B.S. BS A degree in Agriculture with a diversified curriculum can be a path to a number of careers within ag- and environment-focused private/public companies and state or federal agencies.  Agribusiness is over a $72 billion industry in Georgia and represen...
Agriculture, Livestock Production track, B.S. BS Agribusiness has an economic impact of over $72 billion in Georgia and over $145 billion in Florida. Sixteen percent of Georgia’s employment base is associated with agriculture. Successful completion of the diversified agriculture curriculum for this...
Agricultural Technology Management (ATM), B.S. BS Successful completion of the Agricultural Technology and Systems Management (ATSM) track of Agriculture will prepare students for technical careers focused on the sales or management in the production, processing, or manufacturing of agricultural mat...
Environmental Horticulture, Horticultural Business Management track, B.S. BS The Horticultural Business Management track of Environmental Horticulture offers a business management focus in turfgrass production, horticulture production, and landscape management. Employment opportunities in the green industry are readily availa...
Environmental Horticulture, Turf and Ornamental track, B.S. BS The Turf and Ornamental track of Environmental Horticulture offers education in turf management, professional lawn care, turf production, landscape design, and ornamental plants. Employment opportunities in the green industry are readily available fo...
Environmental Horticulture, Turfgrass and Golf Course Management track, B.S. BS The Turfgrass and Golf Course Management track of Environmental Horticulture offers education in golf turf, sports turf, professional lawn care, turf production, and grounds management. Employment opportunities in the green industry are readily avail...
Environmental Horticulture, Turfgrass Science track, B.S. BS The Turfgrass Science track prepares students for careers in golf turf, sports turf, professional lawn care, turf production, and grounds management. Students will be prepared for entry into graduate programs in horticulture, turfgrass, and crop and...
Minor in Agricultural Technology Management MINOR Students may earn a minor in the discipline area shown below, in which the major is offered at the bachelor’s level. Students must complete the required 18 semester hours of coursework, 9 semester hours of which must be 3000- or 4000-level courses, a...
Minor in Agriculture Minor Students may earn a minor in discipline areas where majors are offered at the bachelor’s level if they complete the required 15 to 18 semester hours of coursework, 9 semester hours of which must be 3000- or 4000-level courses. A minor may be earned s...
Minor in Agribusiness Minor Students may earn a minor in discipline areas where majors are offered at the bachelor’s level if they complete the required 15 to 18 semester hours of coursework, 9 semester hours of which must be 3000- or 4000-level courses. A minor may be earned s...
Minor in Environmental Horticulture Minor Students may earn a minor in discipline areas where majors are offered at the bachelor’s level if they complete the required 15 to 18 semester hours of coursework, 9 semester hours of which must be 3000- or 4000-level courses. A minor may be earned s...